About Us

Hello and a warm welcome to All Sewn Up By Debs.
For the last 6 years I have owned and managed a shop in the centre of the market town of Horncastle, which sits on the edge of the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds. It has been an exciting journey that has brought me to this point where I am now ready to launch my very own website, complete with the Shopify experience.
I think of the shop as more of an emporium with rich pickings for everyone.
I have trims, fastenings and buttons, including vintage types, alongside lots of other haberdashery. Fabric is my main focus and I am only restricted by the space available in my “quirky little shop”. I try and buy short lengths of fabric so once it’s gone, its gone! There are, however, many fabrics that are staples and can be re-ordered.
I love working with Free-motion embroidery techniques and play with this all the time, making cards and pictures, including a range titled “Wonky Street”. These templates will be available on the website soon.
The website will develop over time just like my little shop. If you need something in a different length, size or amount please just message me. If we can do it we will!

I gain a great deal of personal pleasure from making.
I enjoy the challenge of dress-making and I recently made a Merchant & Mills Duster lined coat. I also experiment with printing techniques and have an exciting workshop planned for 2023 which will be a collaboration with Sinclair Ashman, a local print artist.
This is an exciting time for me and yet again I find myself being challenged but if I have discovered one thing, it’s that without challenge, nothing is achieved. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Enjoy the website and don’t forget, if you need any help, anything at all, just shout!
The aim of All Sewn Up By Debs has always been to be: “Helpful, Friendly & Inspiring”